being assessed and processed on blurred damaged car truck slides and group of people background.

If you were hit by a truck in Huntsville, Alabama, you may face unexpected expenses and a long road to recovery. If the truck driver or another party was responsible for the accident, they may be liable — or legally responsible — for your medical bills, lost wages, property damage, and pain and suffering. And while legal liability might lie most directly with the truck driver, many other parties could share the blame for a commercial vehicle crash.

Determining liability in a truck accident case requires a detailed investigation and thorough knowledge of the state and federal laws governing the trucking industry. You don’t need to figure it out yourself. Call or contact an experienced truck accident lawyer at Morris, King & Hodge, P.C. for a free case review today.

Importance of Identifying Liable Parties in Truck Accident Cases

You may wonder, “How can I determine liability in an Alabama truck accident?” It’s an excellent question, and a skilled truck accident attorney can provide the most reliable answer. Identifying potentially liable parties in truck accident cases is critical in building a robust case. It is likely your attorney’s primary focus as soon as they start investigating your case because holding the correct parties responsible — and holding all the correct parties liable — is crucial to ensuring you receive full and fair compensation for your injuries.

Potentially Liable Parties in Truck Accidents

Establishing liability in a truck accident case can be complicated because multiple parties could bear at least some degree of liability. A knowledgeable truck accident lawyer will evaluate who may be responsible for the crash and your injuries by thoroughly investigating what happened.

In a semi-truck crash, the following parties could be liable and owe you money:

  • Truck drivers – The truck driver may be responsible if their careless or otherwise negligent operation of their vehicle caused the crash. For example, a truck driver could be to blame if they were speeding or under the influence of drugs or alcohol at the time of the crash.
  • Trucking company – The tractor-trailer involved in the accident may be owned by a truck company that leases the truck to the driver. Or, the truck driver may be an employee of the trucking company, in which case the company might be held vicariously liable for their worker’s negligent actions. The trucking company could be directly liable for the accident if the evidence shows negligent business practices or poor maintenance contributed to the wreck.
  • Truck maintenance company – Some motor carriers hire maintenance companies to inspect and repair their fleets. Truck accident victims could hold the maintenance company accountable if the company or its mechanics perform shoddy work that leads to a crash.
  • Truck manufacturer – If a defective component contributed to the crash that caused your injuries, the maker of that part may be partially at fault for the collision.

 Types of Evidence Used to Prove Fault and Liability for a Crash

Gathering evidence for truck accident claims often occurs in stages. Your attorney first obtains any information they can from the accident scene, retains experts to analyze that preliminary information, and evaluates it to identify all potentially liable parties.

Critical evidence is available from the truck accident scene. Interviewing eyewitnesses shortly after the crash and recording their observations while their memories are fresh can ensure the accuracy of their accounts and credibility. Your truck accident lawyer will likely interview law enforcement, photograph the vehicles and accident location, and take necessary measurements to assist experts in their analysis.

In a truck accident case, unique evidence is available from the commercial truck itself, which can contain valuable information to establish the fault of the truck driver or trucking company. Potential sources of evidence include the truck’s black box data, in-cab camera footage, and the driver’s logbooks. Your attorney will also review the truck company’s personnel records and the results of any background checks.

Following their preliminary investigation, your lawyer may hire a mechanical expert to inspect the truck’s brakes and other components. This step can determine whether an equipment failure contributed to the crash.

Finally, your attorney will obtain the necessary medical records and bills to support your claim for compensation. If you cannot work due to the accident, they will get documentation of your lost wages to support your claim for financial losses. If you suffered severe and disabling injuries, your attorney may retain an economist to testify about how the accident has affected your lifetime earning potential.

Comparative Negligence in Alabama Truck Accident Cases

Alabama has some of the harshest negligence laws in the nation. The state uses a contributory negligence rule to apportion fault for an accident. That means you cannot recover money if you are even one percent responsible for the accident that injured you. By contrast, states that follow comparative negligence models split the blame and compensation between parties when both share liability for a crash.

The contributory negligence standard gives you little margin for error in a truck accident claim. Insurance companies and trucking companies will scramble to push the blame for the wreck onto you. Hiring an Alabama truck accident lawyer can prevent you from being undercompensated.

Why You Need Our Lawyers to Help Identify All Liable Parties

You need the lawyers at Morris, King & Hodge, P.C. to determine every liable party in your case so you can recover maximum compensation. The more liable parties there are, the more sources of compensation may be available to you.

We understand you may feel intimidated by the legal system, especially in the wake of a traumatic accident. We are here to help you every step of the way. From identifying all potentially liable parties to negotiating with the insurance company, you will have a strong legal advocate in your corner throughout the process. If the insurers refuse to settle for the compensation you deserve, our attorneys will not hesitate to take your case to trial.

Talk to Our Huntsville Truck Accident Attorneys for Free Now

The experienced truck accident attorneys at Morris, King & Hodge, P.C. are passionate about helping victims of truck accidents recover the money they need to move forward with their lives. We have the skills and resources to build a strong case with your best interests at heart. Call us or contact us online today for a free consultation.